Is Social Media Part of Your Leadership Strategy?

Social media has moved well beyond the status update. Businesses everywhere have embraced Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote their goods and deepen their engagement with their customers. Even as the channels change and reach has been reduced for brands, businesses continue to push their messages through their social presence.

There’s one group though that feels like it’s still missing out on the opportunity that social networks create – the C-Suite. Sure you’ll see updates and writing from luminary leaders like Bill Gates, Jeff Weiner, Reid Hoffman, Richard Branson and more. These are also the leaders you already see covered through traditional news outlets. They seem to effortlessly assume their leadership role on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.

What about the other 99% of business leaders in the US that don’t contribute actively to social media regularly? You have to ask wonder why they aren’t participating or if they are, is it just a me-too strategy?

In the conversations that I’ve had with leaders, I’m often told that sites like LinkedIn are still viewed as a job search platform or a technically glorified resume. I think many leaders are fearful of Twitter after seeing the double-edged danger that users like President Trump have using the platform.

Are you a leader who’s not using social media to support your personal brand? In an upcoming post, I’ll cover the opportunity and talk about why you have to develop a plan for being a social leader.

photo credit: National Library of Ireland on The Commons Your Help Needed via photopin (license)